About Us

Alessandra, Heino and Orphea

Together we plan to ride from London to Cape Town, and ultimately to Namibia…

Join us on this blog and share our memories and experiences along a route through 12 countries and more than 20 000 kms on a Honda Transalp.

This trip will take us through a huge variety of landscapes, cultures, people and other creatures that are as yet unknown to us! From the beautiful cathedral of Reims in France to the Samburo villages of Kenya, from the roman cities of Northern Africa to the ancient churches of Ethiopia, going through the silent desert of Sudan to the overcrowded cities of Nairobi and Kampala taking in along the way the fresh and mighty Victoria falls and the arid dunes of the Namibian desert. It will be tough, we know, but it will be a journey that is going to change our lives and give us memories to treasure forever! The adventure is set to start on the 1st May 2007 and, if everything goes according to plan, it should take us around 6 months to reach Namibia, our final destination. We hope that you will enjoy this adventure with us by following our progress on this site, and feel free to send us a message using the links below. Also, have a look on the Day by Day page to see how we get on, as well as the preparation page to see how this crazy idea was born, and how we prepared for the trip.

Heino, Ale 160706bruges_076noi1.jpg and Orphea. orphea.jpg

Alessandra Heino e Orphea, siamo in partenza per l’Africa, da Londra a Città del Capo. Segui il nostro viaggio attraverso 12 paesi e più di 20.000 km su una moto Honda Transalp. Passeremo attraverso una grande varietà di paesaggi e culture incontreremo tante persone diverse e particolari. Dalla cattedrale gotica di Remeis in Francia ai villagi dei Samburo in Kenya, dalle città romane del Nord Africa alle chiese rupestri dell’Etiopia. Passando dal silenzioso deserto del Sudan alle città sovraffollate di Nairobi e Kampala, dalle maestose e spumeggianti cascate Vittoria, alle dune aride della Namibia. Sappiamo che sarà difficile, ma sarà anche un viaggio che lascerà un segno e ricordi ed esperienze indimenticabili. Il programme è di iniziare questa avventura il primo maggio 2007, e se tutto va secondo i piani, dovremmo arrivare in Namibia tra sei mesi. Speriamo che questa avventura appasioni anche voi, e che ci seguiate lungo la strada attraverso questo blog.

Lasciateci un messaggio usando il link sottostante. Andate alla pagina Day by Day per sapere dove siamo.

Alessandra, Heino e Orphea

118 Responses to About Us

  1. Chris says:

    Wel wat kan ek se.. Ek hoop alles gaan goed en die trip loop volgens plan..

  2. Eugene says:

    Hi Heino & Ale, (Van nou af Hale)

    Great stuff! Sal op hoogte bly en moet nie Orphea se oor af draai nie 🙂

    Gaan julle op die ‘net’ wees die hele tyd? of maar soos daar sulke geriewe aandkom?

  3. gian says:

    A trip is always a matter of soul.
    To live is to project an habit.
    To travel means to create life everyday.
    With my best wishes that your life can always be a trip.
    from gian with love

  4. Eric & Christine says:

    Saurus ek hoop julle toer loop sommer voor die wind, ek sal vir julle duim vashou en solank die KWV op” stock” hierdie kant. Wees versigtig vir al die diere….. veral daai wilde diere…..jy weet mos. Ek sal baie gereeld hier inloer. Groete

  5. Lynnette says:

    Hi Heino!
    Ek is so bly om te lees dat alles in plek geval het en dat julle gereed is om te gaan. Het gedink dit is ‘n “mal” idee (net vir so 3 sekondes) toe jy vir my gesê het jy het daai boek raak gesien en jy dink jy gaan dit koop en dan self probeer om te travel.
    Het nou die dag ‘n travel program gesien waar die travellers net van die helfde van Afrika getravel het en die paaie het redelik goed gelyk en die stof storms erg! Alle sterkte en geniet elke oomblik daarvan!

  6. Estelle says:

    I’m sooooexcited for you! It’s really happeneing huh? But I knew you’d do it – good luck and ride carefully! xxx

  7. ZIO VITTORIO says:

    Ad Ale e Heino, Cremona non è seconda con 2200 anni di storia. forse merita un’ora di sosta, anche per Orfea. Base salame con aglio, torrone e anguilla arrosto.
    A presto Zio Vittorio sanfedista e stanziale.

  8. theo says:

    it is fantastic that you are living your dreams:enjoy your journey.remember life is a journey and not a destination and this is the start of one helleva journey in your lives.remember to smell the roses along the way.your journey is not about how quickly it will end but rather how much time you take enjoying the experiences.

  9. Gudrun says:

    Soooo jealous, you crazy kids! Hope everything goes according to plan and Orphea carries you on her metal wings safely to good ol’ Nam. Voorspoed!

  10. Laurence says:

    Good luck guys, especially you Alessandra. 6 months on a bike with Heino! Rather you than me.

  11. Iris says:

    Hiya Heino and Ale. Great stuff. Geniet dit en hou ons op hoogte. Warm bad en sagte bed wag vir julle in Jhb.

  12. alessandro says:

    ciao. vi invidio un po’..:) un buon viaggio da rieti centro d’italia.. byebye ale..

  13. Sun says:

    Ciao my amica Ale, it’s incredible to start taking this trip!! It could be tough but valuable a lot in ur life. hope everything will go well as u planed. I believe that u can make it as u’ve done in London. U r such an amazing girl. Good luck. Big Baci..

  14. Ben says:

    Go well guys – everyone at the Chasers will super miss you Alessandra. Good luck, you´ll have a fantastic time! Love to Orphea.

  15. Jacky (@FGP) says:

    Hi Ale and Heino. It’s good to hear from you again. Glad you are both well. AND what an exciting trip! Wish there was space on the bike for me! I now two boys! Ethan is 7 months old. He arrived on 15 September 2006. Both Sally and Claudia are having babies this year! Promise to keep in touch. Love Jacks x

  16. jaco(Beer) says:

    Baie van ons droom maar net van n groot avontuur soos wat julle gaan aanpak, geniet die buite lug met die wind wat vir 10 000km oor julle lyf gaan waai. Ek is lief vir my richello en biltong maar nie so lief om 10 000km vir dit te ry nie

  17. Pasquale Imbriano says:

    The last time I saw you you were serving the dinner table you were 3 or 4 years old. My God how time has flown. Your dad wrote me about your adventure I only want to say fun, stay safe and watch over each other. It sounds like an adventure of a life time.

  18. Silvia says:

    Looks like it’s my turn and I can’t wait anymore… I’m slightly getting into your foolish idea and trip, and I know I’ll be more and more involved… and jealous…! and maybe less and less worried… 😉
    Enjoy every single moment and landscape, every light smell and blinking light… I could talk hours and hours about the STRADA but I know you know what I mean… =)
    E in bocca al lupo! Buon viaggio!

  19. Waltz says:

    “Keep on rocking on the free way !”
    Take much care.
    Waltz TA01

  20. Haike says:

    Hi guys.

    That sounds so exciting. You will have a trip of a life time. I wish you both all the best. Melinda and I are also having our own adventure too. We are exploring South East Asia for 6 months, all that we could afford he!. We are three months into it.
    I look forward to reading all about your adventure. Take Care.
    Big hug
    Love Haike xx

  21. pasquale says:

    …e allora vai Mirtilla…
    Tuffatevi nella magia del continente dal grande cuore…
    … e quando sarai nel punto dove per la prima volta sentirai di aver perso anche l’ultimo contatto o riferimento con il mondo che vi state lasciando alle spalle, pensa che basta un pensiero sincero e tutto quello che ti è caro nella vita, torna in un baleno ad accompagnarti ovunque andrai.
    Buona fortuna a tutti e due…
    … non vi smarrite e tornate pieni di cose da raccontarci!
    Un abbraccio.

  22. Gianluca says:

    Good luck guys..
    your trip is so fascinating even before starting..
    please keep us posted with your experiences..
    i’ve been told that the “sounds” of Africa, especially at night, are something so unique that, once heard, you can never forget..
    ..I’m sure they will guide you through this double voyage….
    …into one of the oldest continents….
    …and into your souls..

    and when you are in Ethiopia,(@ Axum-precisely) if you have some time left ..please give a more careful look around..maybe,among other souvenirs, you could be able to bring home the real Saint Graal :-))))

    Best wishes..
    Big hug…
    and do always take the best care of yourselves!


    Ale we miss you so much..
    but we are happy feeling and sharing your happiness…

    But Rome is Rome !!! :-))

  23. Clasien says:

    Hallo Ale & Heino,
    Ik spreek wel nooit Nederlands met jullie, maar ik weet zeker dat Heino het begrijpt. Heel veel plezier en succes tijdens jullie trip. Weten jullie al hoe je een band van een motor vervangt?
    I’m very curious for your stories. Hope to hear from you soon!


  24. theo says:


    hope you left london quietly and that you are now on your way.travel safely.

  25. Pooj and Brian says:

    Dear Ale and Heino,
    So glad we could meet before you guys left, we had a nice time, Well, what can we say, but Bon Voyage, and hope that Orphea will carry you safely over foreign lands and show you many beautiful sights!

    Remember to look after yourselves wherever you go, and am sure you’ll come back with many interesting tales of your travels. Will keep checking out your blog, so keep us all posted

    Lots of luv,
    Pooj and Brian

  26. monika says:


    You must be on the way already but still I wish all the best for that trip.
    I m keeping fingers crossed for You!


  27. Kobus and Verne says:

    Hello to both

    What an exciting trip!! We both wish you well and hope you enjoy every moment. You definitely have more guts than most people we know!! Travel safely.

  28. francesco says:

    good luck my dear cousin…

  29. gian says:

    hoping you could go easily through the Reims Cathedral maze

  30. Dirk Lottering says:

    Jis Heino en Alessandra!!

    Epic tour and wishing you all the best of luck and may the mechanical gods smile on your trip in only fortunate ways.

    Dirk & Michelle

    ps. Hou die rubber kant onder :o)

  31. Salvatore says:

    Don’t forget any local fjord!
    …and to experience local food!

    Bon voyage!

  32. matteo says:

    allora come và…sicuramente tutto bene..mi raccomando caricate delle foto cosi ci fate vedere qualcosa anche a noi…che siamo rimasti a casa schiacciati dalla routine quotidiana..

  33. rita cara says:

    Hey ragazzi!!!!
    Che Dio vi benedica!!!!Vi auguro ogni bene e sono fiera di voi!!!
    Il vostro blog e’gia bellissimo!!!!
    Un abbraccio forte!

  34. Nigel says:

    If Allesandro can take the shaver you could have taken the darts. Men’s first team continue to win… without you!

    Good luck in Tunisia and don’t drop the bike in the Med!!

  35. marco says:

    La Transalp è una moto splendida, il viagggio un sogno che accarezzo sempre….. insomma ragazzi divertitevi che noi quà già Vi inviviamo non poco.
    In bocca al lupo!

  36. Luisa says:

    Cara Ale, tuo padre mi ha parlato di questa vostra iniziativa e desidero dirti che vi invidio tanto e vorrei avere l’età e l’audacia per cimentarmici , il programma di viaggio è strepitoso ed alla fine spero di poter vedere anch’io il servizio forografico che farete. Nell’attesa vi auguro buona fortuna e vi abbraccio. Luisa

  37. Salvatore says:

    Ma allora quando arrivano le prime foto???


  38. Salvatore says:

    about Camogli…did u find the secret of the famous sandwich?
    …much more difficult than the Da Vinci Code!

  39. spruit & nicita says:

    chomma, julle moet die trip geniet, moenie oor die bike bekommerd wees nie, ‘n honda sal jou nie drop nie ! moet ook nie by die eerste pub vashaak wat julle kry nie ! ons wag vir julle en hou die bier koud !

  40. Anita says:

    Hi Ale!

    Hope you are having a fantastic time – Im looking forward to keeping up with your travels!
    Cant wait to see the Northern Regions of Africa that you are going to explore.
    And also looking forward to see the Southern ones through your eyes!
    Good luck! You are really brave – its fantastic!

  41. gian says:

    hello heino and Ale, dont mind my anxiety for the oil consumption, which I discovered as normal after deep and detailed studies and consultation with several mechanics and firiends; and remember to buy me the fez as a souvenir

  42. Mattias Strauss says:

    Thank you for popping over and telling me about your trip. It was truly inspiering!
    God luck, and the coffie is on me if we by chance should meet on a dusty road in the Tunisian interior early next week.

    /Cheers Mattias


    la mia ansia e la mia gioia, le mie paure ed il mio amore per te ti seguiranno per tutto il lungo viaggio.
    Ma ricordando quattro bellissimi versi dell’Antologia di Spoon River di E. L. Master:
    “Voi che vivete, siete davvero degli sciocchi,
    voi che non conoscete le vie del vento
    nè le forze invisibili
    che governano i processi della vita.”
    “Ye living ones, ye are fools indeed
    Who do not know the ways of the wind
    And the unseen forses
    That govern the processes of life.”,
    ti dico vai e segui le vie del vento.

    Un abbraccio fortissimo

    Per Heino: andate piano!!!

  44. matteo says:

    …quasi mi commuovo leggendo il messaggio di mamma…hehe..

  45. Keith says:

    Hey guys,
    So you’re off! Wishing you a very safe trip, much fun & all that. Can’t wait to hear from you soon. Will be checking your blog regulary so keep us posted! Take care, speak soon.
    much love

  46. Luisa says:

    Carissimi Ale e Heino, ho già letto del vostro soggiorno in Tunisia, il viaggio è iniziato alla grande.Grazie per le emozioni che ci date, anche se capisco l’ansia di mamma Alessandra e papà Gianfranco. Siate prudenti e buona fortuna.

  47. Andre de Wet says:

    Hey Heino,

    Sorry ek skryf ou eers. Hoop als gaan punt-innie-wind met julle travels.
    Ek het onlangs “The Long Way Round” gekyk en moerse geinspired geraak. Ek het daai travel kriewels so heavy gekry…verstaan nou waarom julle doen wat julle doen.

    Mooi loop julle!

  48. Ciao ragazzi,
    il vostro affascinante itinerario ci incanta. Abbiamo linkato il vostro blog sul nostro sito, perchè partecipa della stessa filosofia del viaggiare. Avventura, scoperta , autonomia di giudizio, lo stupore ritrovato nello sperimentare. I nostri lettori seguiranno tutte le tappe, alcune delle quali sono state oggetto dei nostri viaggi. I reportage su Tanzania, Mozambico (anche se non incluso nel vostro itinerario) e Sudafrica si intersecano con i vostri in uno scambio interattivo sul continente africano, un luogo di struggente bellezza.
    Buon proseguimento e buon viaggio!

    Paola e Alberto


  49. theo says:


    hope you have been travelling safely.heino you will be interested to know that the bulls are the new super14 champs: they beat the sharks 20-19 in a nailbiter.it was al ast minute try by bryan habana in injury time which clinched the game. also chelsea beat man united 1-0 with a goal by didier drogba in extra time.so looks like blue ( the colour ) reigned supreme over the weekend.

    keep fit, heathy and travel safely.

  50. Eric & Christine says:

    Dude so youre not just driving straight through the countries for the sake of making it to the south, youre actualy touring the country thoroughly. Pics look amazing, and I’m sure youre enjoying it. Best of luck, and i’ll be sure to have us a big o’l BBQ when you get here. O, and tell Orphea I say howdy.

  51. Zii Carlo e Lalla says:

    Auguri e buon viaggio dagli zii Carlo e Lalla

  52. Angelo says:

    Alessandra e d Heino,
    complimeni per la bellissima avventura, vi confesso che vi invidio molto, sono cose che mi entusiasmano. Continurò a leggere il vostro diario poi spero di incontrarvi per sentire direttamente dalla vostra voce il racconto del viaggio.
    Auguri di buon viaggio.

  53. Wilhelm (Luthe) says:

    Donner ou, ek is so jaloers! Julle leef die droom! Is flippen amazing om die fotos te sien en alles te lees oor wat julle ervaar en sien. So bly julle doen dit, is een van daai dinge in die lewe wat mens moet doen as jy die kans kry en jonk is anders gaan jy nooit weer dit kan doen nie!
    Julle moet dit moerse geniet en baie groete vir Ale.
    (Ps. ek het ook oor bikes begin skryf en toets bestuur, neem aan ons het ‘n paar stories op uit te ruil as julle in Kaapstad kom!)

  54. wendy says:

    Just wondering how you are and have you had any adventures yet. Hopefully good weather.
    Think about you and wish you well – you are very brave
    Lots of love

  55. Keith says:

    Hey guy,

    Love the photo’s & your account of what’s happening on your trip is amazing. Look forward to reading more. Keep safe
    as always lots of love

  56. Mozzico says:

    Ciao presidentessa!!! hi Haino!
    mifaccio sentire solo ora ma come sai la mia stima e il mio augurio per ciò che fate e che farete parte da molto prima! spero vada tutto bene e che la vostra “motociclettina” non vi dia noie. Cara presidentessa spero proprio che al tuo ritorno mi troverai nella tua inghilterra.
    un abbraccio e good luck!! e sopratutto keep in touch!!!

    Ciao a presto

  57. Wendy Plim says:

    So glad to hear from you and know you are safe and well and enjoying the experience.
    London is wet and freezing cold at the moment ( after weeks of Summer) You are not missing anything! No gossip here really except we have more people and it was really chaos for a while with people hot-desking and lack of computers to go round. Lots of work still and the usual dramas, Do you miss the comforts of civilization or does the excitement compensate for all that?
    What about the food. Better go -write again later. Do miss you …..
    Lots of love and thoughts

  58. Abdallhalmontaser says:

    hey my dear…
    hlessandra ed heino.
    lam very heppy see you egina in libya to welcome and la m very heppy to feinh to tirp to you is very will heppy.
    lam is very see to now s for you.is good.
    tahkn you my dear.
    libya .

  59. mahamoud aka says:

    hey my dear.
    lam very heppy see too in libya.
    and see to good nows is very will good.
    thank you
    mahamoud akka ghadames .libya


    Possiamo testimoniare che le Poste Tunisine ed Italiane funzionano, anche se a rilento. Il pacchetto con le chiavi di Rapallo, spedito dalla Tunisia il 14 maggio è arrivato a Roma il primo di giugno.
    Naturalmente buon viaggio, e andate piano !!!
    Un bacione grossissimo


  61. simona says:

    Ciao alessandra,
    sono la figlia di un amico di infanzia di tuo papà che abbiamo incontrato sabato a sarezzano ad un funerale. Anche se non ci conosciamo mi ha parlato del tuo viaggio e mi ha lasciato il tuo indirizzo così oggi sono venuta a curiosare.
    Ti mandiamo un saluto e ci uniamo al corale buon viaggio complimentandoci per lo spirito di avventura e per il coraggio.


  62. salvatore says:

    Hello dear friends!

    How is it going so? I’ve just experienced, once again, that London weather is much better than the italian one, according to Heino’s opinion! One groomy week was waiting for me and I didn’t have any chance of sunbathing…still white as a buffalo’s mozzarella so!
    Well I guess you’re darker than me….ossequi ai faraoni!


  63. salvatore says:

    So…is it Luxor really luxurious?

  64. Zii Carlo e Lalla says:

    Grazie per i saluti, buona continuazione e un abbraccio dagli zii Carlo e Lalla con Massimiliano e tutti i familiari

  65. hey my dear…
    thank you for niec foto with you and good tiem in libya .
    so .
    how are you?
    we are you now?
    is good to feeling to you.
    and good tiem or not for you?
    ok is very heppy see you in libya agein.
    mahamoud akk

  66. rdujaiqqzj says:

    Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! znevxcavvuy

  67. flo says:

    ciao ale, ciao heino! …indovinate un pò? … stasera è nato Lucaaaa!!!!!

  68. salvatore says:

    greetings from the Trio Zapparella!

    finally back on the stage: live next saturday at portobello market….shavel requested!

  69. Lynnette says:

    Hallo from a very cold SA:

    Good to see you guys are still going strong! Gaan bos!

  70. fofella says:

    hi guys…are you doing??
    enjoy and take care!!!


  71. jeff says:

    hello from the Canadians, jeff and nav. the aswan and abu simbel sites were amazing. hope your travels are healthy and safe. I’m back home and Nav is still traveling. I’ll send our pic to your email. cheers!

  72. WENDY says:

    Dear Ale
    just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday which I may have missed by now. Hope you are both still well, enthusiastic about your trip and still in love. You are doing so nuch and having so many experiences and nothing much seems to be happening here. Wew have 3 more people now so it is very crowded and of course we are still busy.
    Thinking of you and hope you were able to celebrate your birthday some exciting way.
    Much love

  73. Aman Brey says:

    Hey Ale…..and Partner
    I just heard from Ruth that you were on this journey about 2 weeks ago…..Last time I heard from you, you were practising for road races…….then I heard you were thinkin of the=is trip…..Well I may not be around….and always travelling around Europe from timt to time….but I do tend to have my ear to the ground sometimes…..always thinking GOOD thoughts for you!!
    Well whereever you are right now …I hope you safe travels, , an friendly welcomes….
    When you do reach Cape Town….which may be a little time from now….Wave at Table Mountain for me as it may be aleast six months before I see it again;)
    Chat Soon lotsa Love

  74. Albert says:

    Hi Ale!
    Long time no see! Is everything getting on alright? It’s been two months since you left and we all miss you. Here in London we still need to wear jacket in the morning and evening and many of us got the flu or something and I even had two days off because of that. Isn’t it crazy? Anyway. It seems that you are really having good time and great experience. I’ll need more time to see your blog. It’s really exciting!
    Lot’s of love.

  75. Silvia says:

    Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ale, happy birthday to you! =)

    Love, Silvia

  76. Mozzico says:

    A presidentè…..TANTI AUGURIIIIIIII!!!!!!

  77. fofella says:

    ciao ale…auguri!

  78. nadina says:


  79. salvatore says:

    tanti auguri!!!

    Happy birthday A!

    Oggi tocca a me: 29 zappe da spegnere!!!

  80. Ma en Pa Von Wielligh says:

    Hi you 2. Hope everything is going well, we are looking forward to seeing you soon.

  81. Ma en Pa Von Wielligh says:

    Hey Bro. How are you? I’ve got a couple of questions for you….. Tell me, who is typing all the information on the web? Do you or Ale compose? I am very jealous of your trip, it looks like such an adventure. Oh, do you make notes as you visit the different places in the different countries or do you get your information out of brochures?;-) Keeping a “lekker” beer nice and brewed for you. Okay, time for me to go….some of us still have to work (to finance your beer)!!!!!

  82. Hello Heino en Ale

    Ry veilig ons kan nie wag om julle te sien. Ma hulle braai vannaand 20/07/2007 by my en die kinders. Aster se operasie is suksesvol, dit gaan goed met haar.

    Geniet die toer

  83. Heino says:

    Good to hear from my family! Hope you are all well!
    Here are a few answers to your questions from above:
    We both decide beforehand what we want to write on our blog, but in a short bullet point format. This is normally done on a daily basis in a notebook, and then whenever we get to an internet shop, Heino normally writes on the blog while Alessandra uploads the pictures and answer to e-mails etc.
    As for the sources of information, well, it is a mixture of guidebooks, guides, info from the sites as well as our own assumptions and perceptions. Therefore, it goes without saying that it shouldn’t always be taken as gospel!
    I am missing you guys loads and can’t wait to see you all!
    Keep the beer cold!

  84. fofella says:

    from fofella PC in Rome Gianpapi congratulates on yor blog. Just a comment on how things change: once the diary had is “locking key” , now it is on the web!Is there still any secret left? Finally we do not think if we don’write. So you can understand how little each of us is thinking by counting the amount of his writing.
    I wish you an extremely reliable shock absorber!And don’t forget “Amani”

  85. AnferTuto says:

    Hola faretaste

  86. salvatore says:

    hey guys!

    nice to hear from you
    don’t know if u get of my mssages back…hotmail has some problems with yahoo at the mom…so i’m just using this page to say hi again and wish u’re having a good time down there! i guess much better than here…where it has been raining since ages now!

    well keep in touch…and don’t shavel too much (Ale you should get it!)


  87. Maryke says:

    Hallo da

    Jul trip klink absoluut fantasties!! Ek is seker jul geniet elke oomblik daarvan, goed of sleg. Hoop om jul altwee op 22 September te sien vir ‘n lekker plaas troue!!!
    OOO raai wat, dit het laasweek hier by ons op die plaas gesneeu, moet eerlik wees my hart het erg verlang na UK!

    Groete uit ‘n vriesende Koue Bokkeveld!!!

  88. Dana says:

    Ciao Ale!
    Sono a campiglio con i miei genitori, antioco e proprio ora è arrivato tuo papa con una bellissima macchina d’epoca proveniente da Cortina. Abbiamo appena finito di cenare e ci parlava del tuo magnifico viaggio!! che invidia! cerchero di seguire i tuoi spostamenti chissa che magari un giorno mi siano utili per un eventuale viaggio in Africa….divertiti!!! un bacio Dana (saluti anche a Heino)

  89. gianfranco foderaro says:

    In verità venivo da Gemona, Sappada e Piani di Luzza, sono arrivato a Campiglio alle 10 di sera dopo il Falzarego e Pordoi con la neve ai lati della strada. Non portare souvenir più grandi di quello che ci hai portato da Piani di Luzza.
    Un caro abraccio.

  90. gianfranco foderaro says:

    Cara Ale purtroppo ho un guasto alla mia centralina fastweb e non posso rispondere ai tuoi e-mail, se vuoi mandarmi qualche notizia particolare scrivi a
    vi auguro unabuona vacanza a Zanzibar e Mafia island, se potete andate anche a Lamu.
    tutti posti pieni di un remoto fascino.

  91. Zii Carla e Lalla says:

    Inviamo cari ed affettuosi saluti.
    Gli zii Carlo e Lalla

  92. Wiele says:

    Jis Bro! Klink darem of julle vorder, Wanneer skat jy gaan julle die eindpunt bereik? Dink aan ons arme siele wat elke dag moet “slave” & maar net julle kan bewonder & beny. (sug) Anyway hier raak dit warmer & die bier kouer (&die lywe ronder!) so jy gaan baie tuis voel.. Wag in spanning!

  93. hiutopor says:


    Very interesting information! Thanks!


  94. Eric & Christine says:

    Saurus jy’s nou amper al in bekende wereld, Vic Falls is seker julle binnekort op jul lys. Ek is bly julle is veilig en geniet dit dis ‘n trip wat meeste net oor kan droom en ek is seker julle sal ‘n groot skat herinneringe oorhou. Kannie wag om julle hier in SA te sien. Wiele ek is bly om te hoor dissie net ek wat ronder en ongesonder raak nie dude.

  95. salvatore says:

    wewe’….i googled Trio Zapparela and your website came out…thanks to make it possible!

    by the way…rain has back to London after a couple of weeks of summer (finally!)…so time for mushroms!

    I’ll save some for you both back in UK!


  96. Jeni says:


    I’ve been trying to get your blog address from Bro for months for apologies for not emailing sooner and from what Aiden has told me he hasn’t been contributing to your blog much either -surprise surprise! Anyhow, looks like you and Alessandra are having a ball -how long more have you get travelling? how are you finding it all? Any lovely honeymoon locations along the way? I don’t know if Aiden told you but I got engaged to Tom in August so I’ve weddings on the brain! Have you seen any piccies of Siorche yet? If he hasn’t sent you any I can email you some -she’s a cutie! Anyway I won’t rabbit on too much but keep in touch if you get a chance & safe driving

  97. matteo says:

    come va??….
    sembra passata una vita..ma quando tornate??
    un abbraccio..

  98. gian says:

    a me sembra che sia passato un attimo, vedi la differenza tra giovani e vecchi, a presto.

  99. matteo says:

    I wish I could be the 100th to send you a message, so I take the chance to send you this and very soon the 100th!
    All the best from gianpapi.

  100. gianfranco foderaro says:

    The100th response to “about us” is from papi on the day of the birth of the democratic party in Italy and of South Africa rugby team in the final of the world cup. A great day isn’t it?

  101. gianfranco foderaro says:

    I send to “about us” also the 101st response to say to you all a great “in bocca al lupo” for the big match of this evening.

  102. Iris says:

    Hi Gian, I’m sure it meant “I know you will win!” And so you were right (thank goodness).

  103. Ciao Ale, sono chiara Brenciaglia,
    complimenti per aver tagliato il traguardo di questa vostra splendida avventura!
    Un abbraccio

  104. gianfranco foderaro says:

    Do you think you can find someone of those wonderful and misterious triangular stamps of South West Africa as you are in Namibia? let me know.

  105. gian says:

    thank you for your historical post card from the furthermore southern point of Africa!

  106. Maximus says:

    I would like to see a continuation of the topic

  107. transafrica says:


    After nearly seven months and more than 31000 km we’ve reached our destination, parked the bike and started to plan the next trip! We’ve always thought that we’ve covered all the topics we’ve wanted to pretty well, but if there are any gaps that you want filled in, let us know.

    Untill then, or the next trip, regards.

    Heino and Alessandra.

  108. andrea says:

    Ciao ragazzi, ho trovato il vostro blog per caso…bravi, stupendo!
    Non mollate con la moto, se siete ancora in zona vi aspetto a Uvira, in Congo per una birra!

    Ciao ciao

    ps vi consiglio di pubblicare il vostro diario o degli articolianche su http://www.tripcentre.org/tripmagazine

  109. Cugino Daniele says:

    ciao Ale, finalmente ho visitato il Vostro blog. fantastico. brava. questa è stata una vera maratona.

  110. hello my dear…
    I am very happy too to recive your nice maill to me and i do have pleasure to meet you and i am so glad about that infact .

    Well….Libya or the Great Jamahiria

    It’s one of the north african countries and it’s over looking on the medetrinian sea and have got the amazing weather and nice climate .

    Libya ….. the land of thousand of culture and civilzations.

    What makes libya special country from the others which is the unbeliveble desert and huge sahara where you can touch the nature by your eyes and feel it by your heart .

    For days on atour you can say that you are the king of the world and the empar of your queen cuz you will be far away from the people and from the traffice cities and anything can bother you

    !!!! you will be in the hands of the nature and in the arms of the sand dunies where the moon will eliminate your night and you will have great talking with the stars since when you are getting that real cup of green tea .

    We do have the rock painting and the craffites which back for more then athoushands of years and also we do have the nature lakes with salty water in the middle of desert and alot of things !!!!! this is only the desert part .

    On the cost you can get all about the romane history and turkish and phonician aswell .

    Such ( sabratha and leptis magna and tripoli and appolonia and cyrinica )

    Thats only small things about libya just to open you eyes on the country and to start get more about it .

    Once again ..thank you and looking forward to hear from you

    Mahmmoud akka .www.desertakakus.com

  111. 8oThank’s.9b I compleatly disagree with last post . eup
    паркет 2u

  112. 0zGood idea.0f I compleatly disagree with last post . vgu
    паркет 5r

  113. Hi, I am Mahmoud, I can prepare for you a nice trip in Libya desert. But Ineed some information. Are you coming to Libya by car or by flight? Do you arrive to Tripoli or to Dierba? you can visit very well Nalut,Ghadames, Wadi Maghided, Aramat,Ghat and the festival tuareg (29,30,31 dec), Akakus, Wadi matendush andLacs. Then Sabrata, Leptis magna, Tripoli. Or if you prefer, Cirenaica andthe great sand sea in Est Libya.I can prepare your itinerary and the price after having your information.Best regardsMahmoud AkkaIf you have any questions, please call us at 00218.92.6459156.

  114. transafrica says:

    We will recommend Mahmoud any day for a trip to Libya. We’ve had nothing but good service from him, and the country is beautiful!

    Heino and Alessandra.

    • Hello my friends,
      thanks for all. Thanks for your mail.
      Are you in England now? Everything is ok for you?
      Have nice day with your family.
      Mahmoud Akka

  115. Grecco says:

    Today I found this blog and are amazed by the quality of information posted here. Nowadays are very few blogs that offer quality of information ,we subscribed to your blog via RSS and we look forward the following articles

  116. transafrica says:


    Thank you for the kind words! We are glad that you enjoyed our blog.

    Let us know if we can provide anymore information.

    Kind regards,

    Heino and Alessandra.

  117. gianfranco says:

    Dear Ale and Heino,
    your blog is indeed of high quality, why then not to add a page about the colours and spell of Marrakesh?
    Lets keep in touch and all the best from

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